To De Soto, Month not clear, Iberphil stock June 2016 no 59236
Collection: Gibraltar Postal History of the Spanish Usage Period 1850 to 1875
To De Soto Iberphil stock June 2016 no 59231
To Jose Gomez, Filatelia Llach sale 21 June 2016 lot 1504
To Gomez, neither day or year in San Roque cds, day may need correcting, FillateliaLlavch sale may 2016 lstock number 61384
To Jose Gomez , first digit of date not clear, Filatelia Llach may 2016 stock number 61350
To Jose Gomez , Filatelia Lllach May 2016 staock number 61355
To Bensusan , estafeta, parrilla and S Roque cds, day of date not clear, Filateliia llach sale 21June 2016 lot 61
Per Santa Justa, To McPherson, Gaertner Sale 14 June 2016
To Garvey, in Gaertner saleJun 14 2016
To Snrs Personnaz Lamaijmiere, San Roque cds , Lot 580 Iberphil May 2016